Natural Alternatives to Treating Chronic Pain Instead of Medication

Guess what the most used over the counter medication is in the US…​pain relievers​ like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen. They are used for not only occasional pain, but for treating chronic pain as well. Those suffering from ​chronic pain​ usually rely on over counter pain relievers and take sometimes six doses a day for years.

You may be one of those people and have thought about reducing the amount or finding a better alternative. In this article, I’ll help you know why you want to search for another plan and give you some natural alternatives to treating chronic pain instead of medication.

Harmful Side Effects of Treating Chronic Pain with Medication

All oral medication needs to be metabolized in the gut which takes nutrients. (​This​ is a fun tool to type in your medication and see what nutrients it commonly depletes.) All medication causes side effects. Being aware of the side effects will help you weigh your decision on whether or not it is worth it to you to continue taking. Treating chronic pain with medication is no different.

It has long been known that NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) cause stomach pain and ​ulcers​. It is now known the reason is because those types of medications block the enzymes that protects the gut lining (if you’re a client of mine and have watched the digestive system video and the microbiota video, you know how important having a healthy gut lining is!). An unhealthy gut lining will cause dysbiosis, or an imbalance of the microbiota. The microbiota is the bacteria living in the digestive system. We really want to keep it alive and thriving to feel our best. The dysbiosis can lead to leaky gut, inflammation, GERD, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, digestive pain and more.

Alternatives to Treating Chronic Pain Instead of Medication

There are several alternatives to treating chronic pain instead of medication. I’ve listed the alternative methods I use to help clients but some others include working with a Physical or Occupational Therapist, getting acupuncture or massages, and exercise. Having a team and using multiple methods will give you the best outcomes.

Treating Chronic Pain with Diet

You are what you eat. If you are eating the standard American diet that is loaded with inflammatory oils, processed sugars and void of vitamins and minerals, you will become inflamed. Treating chronic pain with diet is very helpful at reducing inflammation; which in turn reduces pain. Reduce or eliminate sugars and inflammatory oils…everything in junk food. And replace that with real food like fruits, vegetables and unprocessed meats.

Treating Chronic Pain with Supplements

Once your diet is changed to be less inflammatory, you can use supplements to further decrease inflammation. There are several I like to use. Here is a ​link​ to the supplement protocol I recommend to most clients that continue to struggle with chronic pain.

Supplements alone will only help so much, they really need to be used to supplement a nourishing diet. But they are an important part of healing and treating chronic pain.

Treating Chronic Pain with Breathwork?

Who would have thought treating chronic pain with your breath was possible?? Your breath is so powerful in controlling multiple processes in your body. When your breath is used correctly, it has the power to decrease tension, increase healing, and decrease pain.

Start by paying attention to your breath. Are you holding it? Is it shallow and fast? Or is it deep and slow? Aim to have deep and slow breaths. Make each breath intentionally deep and slow, especially when your pain level is high.

Let’s Connect!

I’d love to hear your story! Are you taking pain killers and want an alternative to treating chronic pain? Have you tried any of the methods I teach my clients? Respond with your thoughts or comments. If you’d like more help and would like to talk with me about my services, respond to this email and let’s set up a time to talk. I also take insurance. To find out if your insurance will cover visits with me and to book an appointment using your insurance, click ​here​.

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